important documents

Here you'll find a selection of documents to download. Click on the description to download them. The format of the file is shown by the link to download it.

Application pdf

Membership Application Form

Form giving details of membership

Application pdf

RDG Information

This is a three fold leaflet giving general information about RDG

Application pdf

Standing Order Form

Our treasurer encourages payment of annual subscriptions by Standing Order.

Application pdf


RDG is a registered charity and this document is our Constitution

Application pdf

Gift Aid Form

If you are a tax payer, RDG can claim back the tax you pay on your subscriptions. We therefore encourage all members to complete this Gift Aid Form and return it to our Treasurer

Application pdf

RDG Newsletter

This is the latest edition of The Scene, our newsletter, sent to members four times a year.

Application pdf

RDG Newsletter for Friends and Supporters

This is the latest edition of the RDG News - sent to friends and supporters of the group four times a year.

Application pdf

2017 programme

A preview of our planned programme of plays for 2017