Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the most frequently asked questions about RDG.

Are you a registered charity

Yes, we are.

Do you do Fund Raising Activities?

Most of our social events raise a few pounds and we are lucky enough to make small profits on our productions. We have an annual Quiz and a 100 Club which raises funds throughout the year. Details of how to join the 100 Club can be obtained from Nick Lund

In past years we have obtained grants for specific projects such as the refurbishment of the toilet facilities at the RDG Studio and for our youth group productions.

Do you have a Youth Group

Yes, in fact we have two. Louise Dangel currently runs our younger aged youth group, The Sundowners. They currently present a musical production once a year at the Rhoda McGaw Theatre, Woking in the February half term, auditioning in September/October and rehearsing once or twice each week until the show. Open to young people up to the age of 21.

More recently, Nancy Lund has started working with our younger members aged from 13 - 21, exploring and presenting pieces of drama. They meet on Sundays mostly and are entering the autumn drama festivals in 2014 with a one act play The Spasm.

Both our youth sections are encouraged to audition for our main productions, where appropriate. Anyone 16 and over can become a full member of RDG.

Do you have to audition to join RDG?

No, we are always happy to welcome new members.

How can I contact RDG?

You can contact us through our Secretary, Frankie Godliman, either by e-mail or by phone 01483 870770

How do you choose your productions?

Each year, in the summer, we hold a meeting open to everyone at which any member who wishes to direct for RDG puts forward a play or plays which they wish to direct for the group. Directors are encouraged to put forward their ideas in advance of the meeting. The various choices are discussed and a balanced programme of plays for the following year are worked out. This is subject to confirmation by the committee.

How is the group run

We are a registered charity run by an elected Committee of members who volunteer to stand for election at our Annual General Meeting each year.

How many plays each year do you produce?

We currently produce three main plays each year - one in late March, one in mid July and one in late November. We also enter four one act drama festivals - Elmbridge in March, Leatherhead in May and Woking and Spelthorne and Runnymede in October. In addition, our youth group, The Sundowners, present a musical in the February half term.

How much does it cost to join?

The annual subscription is £25 a year for full members. Students, unwaged and retired members pay half. If cast in a play a Production Fee is payable to help with the cost of scripts etc. This is currently £10 for a full length play (although this may be increased for a musical production) and £5 for a one act festival entry play. Social members pay £5 a year which gives access to all social and other activities.

How old do I have to be to join?

You can become a full member of RDG at the age of 16. Younger people can audition for The Sundowners, our youth group who present a musical each year in the February half term week.

What is your audition policy?

When a play is announced and the details circulated, an audition date is set, usually around 12 weeks before the performance(s). Scripts are available to read in advance of the audition date and the director requests that anyone who wishes to audition contact him/her in advance. Audition pieces are announced in advance. It is wise to prepare for an audition but no 'learning' of any part is required.

On audition night, a general (and good humoured) read through of all or part of the play takes place in front of the director and one or two others on the 'casting panel'

Auditionees then leave (usually to the pub) and the casting panel discuss the audition and decide on the casting. An announcement is made by e-mail as soon as possible after the audition.

What social activities do you have?

We do not have a regular social meeting calendar but Saturday morning set building sessions at the RDG Studio are quite social! We also have a Quiz in the Spring, a barbecue in the summer and a Christmas Party in December.

When do you rehearse?

We are usually rehearsing two productions at any one time - each rehearsing two evenings each week over a twelve week period. Rehearsals take place over Mondays to Thursdays from 7.45pm to 10.15pm approx. There are very occasional Sunday rehearsals too.

Where are you based?

RDG's headquarters ( are The RDG Studio, Ford Road, off Fordwater Road, Chertsey, KT16 8HG. We are fortunate to have this building, formerly the British Legion Hall, where we rehearse and build our sets and store all our sets, props, costumes etc.

Where do you perform?

Our main spring and summer productions are performed at the Riverhouse Barn in Walton on Thames. Our November production is performed at the Rhoda McGaw Theatre in Woking. The drama festivals are held at Walton on Thames (Cecil Hepworth Playhouse), Leatherhead Theatre, Woking's Rhoda McGaw Theatre and Riverside Arts Centre.