Jamie Frier

10 appearances in RDG productions

The youngest of the 'Frier acting dynasty' Jamie made his RDG debut performance as the sensitive Peter in A Little Like Drowning. He went on to appear in Interview, the first highly successful production from the newly formed RDG Youth Theatre Workshop in 2005 and the following year in The Pilgrimage. His first major role with the group came in 2007 with his sensitive potrayal of the naive new soldier, Raleigh, in Journey's End. A year later he returned from university to make a further appearance in our Youth Production of Find Me which scored such a great success in the 2008 festivals. Once again, returning from university, he gallantly stepped into the breech to played the insipid Blifil in Tom Jones. In 2012 he - along with other members of the Family Frier - appeared in Cold Comfort Farm and later that year again stepped in at late notice to appear in Sunday Morning at the Centre of the World. He scored a great success playing the eager young maths student in Proof. Once again our 'super sub' Jamie stepped in at late notice to play the key role of one of the teachers in Quartermain's Terms when the original actor had to drop out.