Simon Waller

0 appearances in RDG productions

No of sets which Simon has helped to create ~ 22

Simon started working backstage at school after one appearance on-stage in Scrooge. Since then, he has worked with a number of societies, joining RDG in 2009. Over the years he has worked as stage crew, follow spot operator, stage manager and director and also been responsible for lighting and sound. He has now become an invaluable member of our busy hard-working set building team. In 2013 Simon managed the intricate staging of our major musical Crazy For You. The following year he was responsible for the lighting of our autumn festival production and for stage managing the youth productions - both winning major awards at Spelthorne and Woking. Simon was part of the presentation team which scored maximum marks for Technical Excellence at the 2015 Woking Drama Festival for Funeral Games. He went on to stage manage the musical Nine to Five. Simon has continued to light several of our festival plays and we were delighted when he won the Lighting award for his work on Almost Nothing at the 2016 Woking Drama Festival. At he bend of the year he stage managed and helped create the impressive set for [The Beggar's Opera] (/productions/the-beggar's-opera).